LONDON, 1872 Residence of Monsieur Phileas Fogg. -> london === london === Monsieur Phileas Fogg returned home early from the Reform Club, and in a new-fangled steam-carriage, besides! "Passepartout," said he. "We are going around the world!" + "Around the world, Monsieur?" I was utterly astonished. -> astonished + [Nod curtly.] -> nod === astonished === "You are in jest!" I told him in dignified affront. "You make mock of me, Monsieur." "I am quite serious." + "But of course" -> ending === nod === I nodded curtly, not believing a word of it. -> ending === ending "We shall circumnavigate the globe within eighty days." He was quite calm as he proposed this wild scheme. "We leave for Paris on the 8:25. In an hour." -> END